Emma, owner of 608 Websites, revamped River Haven Homeless Shelter’s outdated website, making it easier to accept donations and share stories. The updated site also improved their Google search ranking, helping more people find and support the shelter.
Online Donations:
Emma added a simple, secure donation system to the website, making it easier for people to give. She also worked with River Haven staff to make sure manual donations like checks were still easy to give.
Better Photos and Stories:
Emma came onsite and took photos of the shelter and key team members. In addition to these photos she sourced additional images and worked with River Haven staff to collect stories of of residents and volunteers that site visitors can connect with.
Clear Information:
The website was redesigned for better organization, making it easier to find information about the shelter and how to help. In addition, improving the information on the site increased River Haven's Google ranking so that about 70% of their website visitors are now coming from organic Google searches.